MyoTYPE performs fibre-type deconvolution of whole muscle samples where DNAm profiles are known as measured by the Illumina arrays. Upload a CSV of filtered and processed beta values for whole muscle samples with rownames as probeIDs and samples as columns, select the correct Illumina array and run MyoTYPE. A table of estimated fibre-type proportions of samples will be returned, and can be downloaded.
Before upload filter the beta-value dataframe using the following probeIDs.
N.B. MyoTYPE has been tested on the EPICv2 and EPICv1 arrays. It is possible to return results if you have a list of probeIDs from the 450K and 27K arrays, however they only use 40 and 3 probes respectively to estimate fibre-type proportions and have not been tested.