

The following are the robust differentially methylated regions (DMRs) that were identified in (REF). The DMRs were generated using the DMRcate package in R using all differentially methylated positions idenfitied between Type I and Type II skeletal muscle fibres.

Ranges Table
Seqname The chromosome of the DMR.
Start The starting genomic coordinate of the DMR.
End The ending genomic coordinate of the DMR.
Width The width or length of the DMR.
NoCpGs The number of CpG sites within the DMR.
Fisher The Fisher's exact test p-value or statistic associated with the DMR.
Maxdiff The maximum difference in methylation levels observed within the DMR between TI and TII fibres.
Meandiff The mean difference in methylation levels observed within the DMR between TI and TII fibres.
Ensemble The Ensembl gene identifier associated with the DMR.
Symbol The gene symbol associated with the DMR.
Biotype The biotype associated with the DMR.
NGene** The number of CpGs within the DMR.

Seqname Start End Width NoCpGs Fisher Maxdiff Meandiff Ensemble Symbol Biotype NGene**